Solomita Law, PLLC
Solomita Law, PLLC
  • 12001 Research Parkway
    Suite 236
    Orlando, FL 32826
  • Get a Fresh Start. Call

    (407) 305-5599


  • By: Alec Solomita, Esq.

Are Tax Refunds Considered Part Of A Bankruptcy Estate In Florida? Tax refunds are indeed considered part of the bankruptcy estate in Florida. Unlike some states that offer exemptions for tax refunds, Florida does not. This means that a bankruptcy trustee may have an interest in a debtor’s tax refund and could request information about how it was spent, even…Read More

  • By: Alec Solomita, Esq.

In this article, you will discover: What to expect during a consultation with a bankruptcy attorney. What documentation you need to bring to a consultation with a bankruptcy attorney. What type of court hearings you’ll need to attend if you file for bankruptcy. What Experience Do You Have Handling Bankruptcy Cases In Florida? I have been filing bankruptcies in Florida…Read More

  • By: Alec Solomita, Esq.

Florida gets more than its fair share of natural disasters, which can often leave residents in dire financial straights. This article tells you everything you need to know about your bankruptcy options after such a natural disaster, including: When you can or should file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy after losing your home in a hurricane.  How medical debt and disaster…Read More

  • By: Alec Solomita, Esq.

In this article, you will discover: Whether a cosigner is responsible for a loan during bankruptcy in Florida. The risks of cosigning a loan for someone who is filing for bankruptcy. Whether a cosigner has any repayment options if the borrower files for bankruptcy. Can A Cosigner Be Held Responsible For The Loan During Bankruptcy In Florida? Yes. When a…Read More

  • By: Alec Solomita, Esq.

Bankruptcy is poorly perceived everywhere, including in Florida, but some of that bad reputation is simply due to a lack of understanding. This article aims to clear up some of the most common myths, misconceptions, and misunderstandings Florida residents have about the bankruptcy process, including: Why bankruptcy will not cost you your ability to get a loan or permanently ruin…Read More

  • By: Alec Solomita, Esq.

In this article, you will discover: The current amount of Florida’s Motor Vehicle Exemption.  How the Florida Motor Vehicle Exemption works. What to do if you are concerned about losing one of your vehicles during bankruptcy. What Changes Have Been Made To Florida’s Motor Vehicle Exemption? As of July 1st, 2024, the exemption for a personal motor vehicle in light…Read More

  • By: Alec Solomita, Esq.

Bankruptcy is difficult for anyone, but it is especially complicated for seniors, who might be reluctant to take such a step so late in life but might need to do so even more. This article explains the particularities of bankruptcy over the age of 60, including: The impact of Chapter 7 bankruptcy on social security benefits and retirement accounts. How…Read More

  • By: Alec Solomita, Esq.

In this article, you will discover: Whether you can keep your truck when you file for bankruptcy. What debts an independent trucker can discharge in bankruptcy. Unique challenges independent truckers face in bankruptcy. Can I Keep My Truck If I File For Bankruptcy? Whether or not you can keep your truck will depend on multiple factors. For example, is there…Read More

  • By: Alec Solomita, Esq.

Bankruptcy is not a simple process, nor one people embark on without seriously compelling reasons. This means that even the smallest mistake during the petition filing or preparation can have a massive impact on your bankruptcy outcome and debt situation. Keep reading to learn more about: The perils of failing to disclose certain assets or waiting too long to file.…Read More

  • By: Alec Solomita, Esq.

Before you file for bankruptcy, you’ll likely want to know what type of bankruptcy to file for. The reality is that you have to meet certain requirements in order to file bankruptcy at all, and you may not be eligible for either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. If you do happen to meet the requirements for both options, then the…Read More

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